Vad andra tycker om GAIM
Videor och artiklar
"El mejor simulador de caza del mundo, super realista y practico."
Mundo Cinegético
"Best way to save on ammo."
Roger Barrera
QVO Tactical, USA
“Här ges det goda chanser till mängdträning.”
Ted Lagrelius, Nationellt skytteansvarig
Svenska Jägareförbundet, Sweden
“It´s perfect for practice and working on your shooting form at home."
Kali Parmley
GunDog Magazine, USA
"Pratiquer avec GAIM peut vraiment faire de vous un meilleur tireur."
Reves de Chasse, France
"The weight and ergonomics are perfect, it feels just as a real rifle or shotgun."
Morten Schultz
Hunting and Outdoor, Denmark
"GAIM ist ein Jagdspiel in virtueller Realität, dass sowohl Spaß macht, wie auch Schießfertigkeiten trainiert."
Hunter Brothers
"You get used to you swing and the lead. It´s great!"
Paul Childerley
Fieldsports Channel, UK
"Die digitale Drückjagd für zu Hause"
Dorfkind Tobi
"Ce simulateur de Tir est incroyable !"
"After having used the Gaim hunting simulator for 2 years, it have only gotten better."
Morten Schultz
Hunting and Outdoor, Denmark
"Not only very fun, also a very good training tool"
Tiberious Gib
"Hunting that can be practiced by everyone!"
Geartest HR
"Hunting practice at home whenever you want!"
Young Wild Hunters
"The latest iteration is designed for trap shooters, both youth teams as well as adults who are looking for a realistic and affordable way to practice anywhere and anytime, regardless of the weather."
"Particularly great about the GAIM simulator is you can see in real time your point of impact, giving you a visual of how far behind, or in front, you are when shooting. It allows new hunters to see good form, follow throughs, and more. "
"I believe that users will get out what they put in with GAIM; if they take the scenarios seriously and take advantage of the analysis tools, they can become better, more prepared hunters and shooters."
"The intensive training it provides translates really well into the real world and it can dramatically improve your shooting. Highly recommended!"
"The main takeaway I got from bird hunting GAIM style is that this is a serious training module. I had a great time doing it but if you participate as if it is a game, you will certainly have fun. If you approach it as a fun training tool, you will see you shooting skills improve. I saw a marked difference at the range after spending time with the GAIM system."
"Imagine if you could spend hours honing your shooting skills, whether at the clay ground, or on a movingtarget range. Now imagine you could do all this at zero costs or transportation. You’ve just imagined GAIM."
"The shooting simulator is addicting, and shows the impact of each shot. There is never a bad-weather day or insufficient funds to keep you from shooting"
"Virtual reality shooting simulator GAIM Compact is both fun and practical, bringing the excitement of rifle and shotgun shooting into your home."
"Jag ser GAIM som ett mycket bra komplement till ditt vanliga skytte och denna simulator ger dig många fler träningstillfällen under året." Page 32-34
Full Review: "My GAIM play has turned into an addiction... but they have done more than that. GAIM is a virtual world that we can escape to.
"Aus meiner Sicht ist GAIM kein reines Spiel, sondern durchaus dazu in der Lage, als halbwegs realistischer Simulator mit Lerneffekt für die jagdliche Praxis zu fungieren."
"Olen kesän ajan päässyt tutustumaan Aimpointin kehittämään GAIM metsästys ja -ammuntasimulaattoriin ja selvittänyt onko se erittäin hauska peli vai ammuntaharjoittelua tukeva hankinta."
"Für mich stellt die GAIM dennoch die derzeit beste Lösung für das private Training des Flüchtigschießen oder das Schießen auf bewegtes Wild samt richtigen Vorhaltemaß dar."